The main role of any leader is to:
It’s much like leading a sports team. Once the team knows the rules, the coach/captain needs to: get each player to understand their specific strengths, find the best position in the team and then to become as good as they can be in that position.
At the same time, they need to get each player to understand the role of each other player on the team so they can all work together to bring out the best in each other.
Ice Breakers
The purpose of the Ice Breakers will depend on how well the team knows one another. The specific games selected will be based on the purpose of the session.
Strategy Games
Happy Acres has a long list of games we have played over the years. All our games encourage interactions with peers with some designed to teach specific skills and others are simply to have fun.
Many of our games are designed to highlight the various roles that need to be fulfilled in teams or to highlight leadership skills allowing your future leaders to test their preferred roles or leadership styles in a wide range of situations.
Get to Know Yourself and Others
We highly recommend that we include personality typing or preferred team roles to help your young leaders themselves and how different or similar others can be. Once they have an idea of their own strengths, focus areas, and preferred roles within teams they can be more conscious of their behaviour as a leader.
“What If” Scenarios
When training counsellors to lead our camps, they value going through “What If” scenarios, as it’s a quick way for them to learn from other peoples’ experiences. If time allows, this could be a good addition to the program.
The World Around Us
We are acutely aware of the desperate state of our planet, so if you agree we always like to include some environmental education to try trigger a love for learning about the wonders of the natural world.
We need all our future leaders to lead in a way that minimizes the impact of humans on the environment!
Your activities
You are more than welcome to run your own programs, sessions, or games. to do so. We will willingly either assist you or step back and let you take full control. Just let us know what you would like from us.
If your future leaders attend one of our courses, we guarantee that you will see a huge difference in the way they lead their teams. Your leaders will be more aware of themselves and their impact on others, and hopefully the biggest evidence that the course was useful will be that those they lead will all have more fun!
Based on the extensive feedback we have had over the years, we have an abundance of evidence that your leaders will be more mindful leaders and that they will use the learnings gained at Happy Acres for many many years to come.